The Nursing Care Department at the American Hospital evaluates the health needs of our inpatients, outpatients, and their family members comprehensively with evidence-based risk assessment scales. We provide a patient-oriented, personalized empathic nursing care system, combined with a holistic approach in line with the needs that are determined at the diagnosis phase of nursing care practices. We adopt a perfectionist approach when it comes to  preventive practices, treatments, rehabilitation, and education. An evidence-based approach is followed to shorten hospital stays, prevent pressure sores, minimize nutritional risk and decrease infections by maximizing the quality of nursing care in accordance with those previously mentioned evidence-based risk assessment scales. Performance indicators are used to review the nursing care services and data is continuously collected for continuous improvement efforts.

The Nursing Care Department at the American Hospital contributes to the education and the personal development of employees with corporate orientation and up-to-date interdepartmental education, a world-class working environment, reverse mentoring, managerial education, support for development of employees, nursing specialization in certain departments and divisions, activities organized for personal and social development, support for participation at congresses and on courses in order to maximize professional qualifications, encouragement for foreign language educations and master’s and doctorate degrees, as well as reliable and transparent communication throughout.

Our team aims to achieve maximum efficiency and satisfaction as well as safety for all our patients and employees in a positive environment while striving for continuously improving the quality of holistic, personalized and compassionate care. We are a proactive, dynamic and professional work family, providing all American Hospital patients with top-tier nursing services ,  accurate scientific data, and the very best cutting edge medical technology. We continuously improve all our practices in line with the standards of the Ministry of Health and JCI –  an international accreditation organization.
  • Nursing Care
  • Midwifery
  • Emergency Medical Technician
  • Paramedics
  • Sleep Technicians
  • Monitor/Cardiology/Sterilization Technicians
  • Perfusionists
  • Anesthesia Technicians
We are directly linked to all patient feedback concerning care and safety.
We deliver our services to adult and pediatric inpatient and outpatient clinics, Emergency Department, operating theaters, coronary and adult intensive care units and with all other medical disciplines.
All new employees of the nursing care services receive theoretical and practical orientation training at the beginning of their employment simulating processes that they will face in the hospital. Once a year all healthcare professionals are educated and trained with basic life support techniques. In addition, department-specific education and seminars are organized regularly.
Annually we coordinate a scientific congress for International Nurses Day jointly with Koç University School of Nursing and SANERC (Semahat Arsel Nursing Care Education and Research Center). All domestic and international leaders of relevant areas are invited to this event; in the spirit of collaboration and reciprocity, we share up to date healthcare knowledge with colleagues from other parts of Turkey.
Professional nursing was established after the First World War in Turkey. Admiral Bristol was a crucial figure in the education of nurses in Turkey; he founded the first Turkish Nursing School in İstanbul on May 20, 1920. Bristol also founded the American Hospital in 1920 and the two institutions became bound by the unifying incentive to heal the sick; the hospital required trained nurses to provide professional care and the school relied on the hospital for work and experience.

Directly after the school was initially founded, the educational period lasted 2 years and 6 months, but it was extended to 3 years in 1929 and 4 years in 1957. The school educated leading nurses in all areas concerning the nursing profession and it was considered exemplary throughout the sector. Our respected teacher Esma Deniz was among the first five graduates of the Nursing School in 1923 and she founded the Turkish Nurses Association in 1943 and successfully managed the association for 19 years. The association was regarded as an active member of the International Council of Nurses in 1949. The American Hospital has always been proud of dear Esma Deniz, who was a leading nurse and a staunch advocate of women’s rights. Anna Rothsock was the first Director of Nursing Care Services at the American Hospital and she was also the first principal of the Nursing School.

Since its foundation, our hospital has maintained a superlative quality of patient care in line with the public’s highest expectations while employing a humanist approach based on integrated health with a focus on nursing. The positions of Nurse managers have almost always been occupied by foreigners; they have made significant contributions to the development of nursing care, as they introduced North America standards. The Managers of Nursing Care Services Department ensured complete cooperation between the hospital and the school, as they had concomitantly occupied the positions of Principals of the Admiral Bristol Nursing School (1920-1999) and Managers of the Hospital.

Koç University established the Nursing College in 1999 to provide education to nurses in the 2000s; these modern practitioners were trustworthy, rational, possessed analytical thinking, displayed confidence, respected individualism and other cultures, and predictably carried the science of nursing to a more advanced level.
Contributions from the Vehbi Koç Foundation to the profession of nursing commenced with the establishment of the Nursing Fund in 1974. Since its foundation, The Nursing Fund contributed to the continuous education of nurses with publications and textbooks along with the organization of conferences and seminars; more than 2000 nursing students have been awarded educational grants. SANERC (Semahat Arsel Nursing Education and Research Center) was founded in 1992 and made significant contributions to nurses with both domestic and international courses, training, symposiums, and congresses.

Nursing is no longer an exclusively female profession in Turkey; recently the profession has become increasingly diversified with men also represented in abundance. The Honorable Semahat Arsel, Chairwomen of Vehbi Koç Foundation, has always contributed to the development and improvement of the nursing profession with her material and moral support. We express our infinite thanks to Honorable Semahat Arsel on behalf of all nurses who have worked at the American Hospital and throughout the Turkish medical sector.

Nursing Care Service Units at the American Hospital:

Considering healthcare’s swift-evolution, units of special nursing care services were established at the American Hospital to determine nursing care standards, boost the quality of nursing care services as well as occupy top-tier roles throughout patient care requiring cooperation with other health professions and to add qualifications of efficiency and professionalism to nursing care services. Such units are as follows:

  • Educator Nurse
  • Infectious Control Nurse
  • Diabetes Nurse Educator
  • Nutrition Nursing
  • Hemodialysis Nursing
  • Occupational Health Nursing
  • Stoma Care Educator Nurse
  • Blood Transfusion Procedure Nursing

The nursing care services staff is formed by Nurses, Midwives, Emergency Medicine Technicians, Anesthesia Technicians, and Paramedics. We have 588 healthcare professionals in the nursing care services unit.

The level of knowledge gradually increases in all branches of health sciences and the delivery of health and care services also evolves quickly. Nurses need to adapt to such rapid changes in order to keep up with the inherent dynamism required in nursing care services.

As is the case with all professions, critical thinking is one of the basic components in nursing practices. Critical thinking not only adds dynamism to nursing care, but it also boosts the quality and efficiency of services.
Any and all education support required by our nurses to create a patient-oriented and performance-based management and service approach, to coordinate the healthcare and perform the basic healthcare service is provided by the nursing care services management in line with the principle of equal opportunity.

Education is formulated, executed and reviewed by professional education and development nurses at our hospital. Planned discussions with nursing department managers, precise surveys, employment of cutting edge devices and equipment, sentinel event notices, assessment of nurses who have decided to participate in the education process, mandating of eduction goals; and education schedules and curriculum organization are all executed in line with our pre-established schedule.

Orientation and In-service Training
  • Basic Nurse Orientation Program Certificate Programs
  • CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation / First Aid)
  • CPR, Refresher Training
  • ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support)
  • ACLS, Refresher Training
  • Basic ECG
  • Critical Care Nursing Certificate Program (SANERC)
  • NRP (Neonatal Resuscitation Program) Education (Ministry of Health)

Basic Orientation Programs

A two-week program that consists of theoretical and practical aspects. The Basic Nurse Orientation Program is available for nurses who have already participated in the general orientation program which is organized by the Human Resources Department. This program addresses nursing practices, CPR, infection and isolation methods, use of devices, patient safety and communication. An examination is held before and after the program. “Basic Nurse Orientation Program Participation Certificate” is awarded to all nurses who pass the exam at the end of the program. First Aid (CPR) education and training that comprises of one-day theoretical and practical sections is available from the Basic Nurse Orientation Program. CPR re-certification training is organized once a year or when the content is upgraded. Nurses who participate in and succeed with the Basic Nurse Orientation Program, receive obligatory and special department education in line with their areas of focus.

Department-specific Orientation Programs
  • Emergency Nursing Orientation Program
  • Critical Care Nursing Education Program
  • Gastroenterology Nursing Education Program
  • Central Sterilization Unit Education Program
  • NICU
  • Paediatrics Nursing Education Program
  • Perioperative Nursing Education Program

CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation / First Aid)

Covering both the theoretical and practical this training takes one-day to complete. CPR certifications are repeated once a year and/or when CPR information is updated. An examination is held before and after the program. CPR Education Program Participation Certificate is awarded to all participants who pass the exam. This education is not only mandatory for our nurses, but for all healthcare personnel who work with patients at the hospital (laboratory technician, physiotherapist, pulmonary therapist, radiology technicians, etc.).

ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support) Education is a program that covers one-day theoretical education and one-day practical training for our nurses who work at the Intensive Care Units, Emergency Department, and the Catheterization Laboratory.

Basic Electrocardiogram (ECG) Education

This 5-day education is available for nurses and technicians who work at all departments that require monitor supervision.

The training covers the following main areas:
  • Anatomy and physiology of the heart
  • Derivation
  • NSR and sinus arrhythmia
  • Atrial arrhythmia
  • Junctional dysrhythmias
  • Ventricular arrhythmias
  • AV blocks
  • Pacemaker insertion

Nursing Care Services Department at the American Hospital takes into consideration the following factors when engaged in the Human Resources processes of employment and promotion.

  • Philosophy and concepts of the modern nursing profession are adopted.
  • Safeguarding the mission, vision, values, policies, and rules of the nursing care services department; making sure that the organization is protected and the associated principles are adopted by all employees.
  • Striving continuously to improve the image of the organization and nursing care in general; always demonstrating an exemplary standard through verbal or non-verbal communication originating from colleagues and affiliated personnel.
  • Acting in a continuously willing and enthusiastic manner to deliver quality, personalized and empathic nursing care, taking on appropriate responsibilities, while demonstrating an ability to develop skills and broaden knowledge closely following professional literature to achieve such goals.
  • Creating and maintaining positive interactions with members of other healthcare teams and colleagues with the use of good communication skills.
  • Being willing to participate in a team, having the qualifications of a leader, being able to act as a representative of the senior management of the hospital, being able to solve departmental and interdepartmental problems and complaints, reporting unsolved problems in line with hospital protocols while offering well-crafted solutions.
  • Making rational and objective decisions, striving to support continuous self-improvement and the development of surrounding colleagues.


Please visit our Human Resources web page for details.