Psychologist Aslı Akkan Aydın


Psychologist Aslı Akkan Aydın
  • Sex therapist certified by CETAD (Sexual Education, Treatment and Research Association). 
  • Successfully passed the Board Exam of European Society of Sexual Medicine (ESSM) and European Federation of Sexology (EFS) and certified as European Certified Psycho-Sexologist (ECPS).
  • Received the certificates of Tavistock Institute and Psi Consulting Psycho-Sexual Education Workshops and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) Certificate 1 and 2 from Behavioral Sciences Institute.
  • Participated to the training titled “ Supervision of Cognitive Behavioral Therapies” held by Emel Stroup and “ From Psychoanalysis to Dynamic Psychotherapies” held by Yavuz Erten.
  • Principal fields of clinical interest:
    • Sex Therapy,
    • Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy.


Education Institution Year
Title of Doctorate Advanced Neurologic Sciences, Istanbul University 2010 - to date
Master’s Degree Clinical Psychology, Doğuş University 2004 - 2006
Bachelor’s degree Psychology and Neurology, Denison University 1999 - 2003


Title Institution Year
Clinical Psychologist American Hospital 2006 - to date
Psychologist American Hospital 2003 - 2006