Our Breast Unit aims to offer the most ideal multidisciplinary treatment to our patients under the light of the latest and most up-to-date scientific advancements while adhering to ethical codes of conduct.
Our treatment protocols are tailored after reviewing all available options within a holistic framework by taking into consideration patients’ preferences. Patient satisfaction factors as much into successful service as clinical outcomes.
Patient histories are evaluated, annual follow-ups with mammography and USG findings are conducted, and monitoring programs are established for palpable and non-palpable breast masses at our unit. Furthermore, diagnostic and therapeutic services are offered to address breast pain (menstrual or non-menstrual alike), nipple discharges, breast abscesses and inflammatory diseases, and breast/nipple problems experienced by gestating and breastfeeding women. If clinically warranted, breast MRI’s, PET scans, fine needle aspiration biopsies (FNAB), tru-cut biopsies, excisional biopsies and wire-guided breast biopsies for non-palpable masses can be performed reliably.
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery
As is the case with all other diseases, breast diseases are treated from a multidisciplinary perspective at our hospital. Our plastic and reconstructive surgeons are among the most outstanding specialists partaking in our ‘Breast Diseases Council’. This is due to the fact that diagnostic biopsies and consequent treatments focusing on tumoral or inflammatory diseases of breast tissue might result in tissue deformities.
Our specialists particularly concentrate on repairing possible deformities occurring secondary to breast cancers as well as on reconstruction of breast tissue in cases where the breast tissue is partially or completely compromised.
They have an excellent command of various surgical interventions from rendering scars less visible to grafting fat tissue from another part of the body in order to correct partial volumetric losses of breast tissue. By practicing the most appropriate treatment in the most painstaking manner possible, they enable patients to recover from the relevant disease both psychologically and physically.
Upon consulting our hospital, each patient is first and foremost duly informed by our plastic and reconstructive surgeons about the most suitable treatment options available. Cases that require reconstruction are reviewed and evaluated together with our patients.
The deformity that a treatment might cause on the breast tissue differs depending on the type of disease and its course of progression. Complete removal of breast tissue is the most radical surgical intervention. Regardless of how old the patient may be, losing the entire breast tissue is bound to cause a severe traumatic impact on the individual’s body image. For the purpose of reconstructing breast tissue by employing the most fitting technique, our plastic surgeons provide each patient with tailored surgical alternatives as a solution. Free-flap techniques, which utilize the patient’s own tissue, are currently the most widely recognized breast reconstruction practices. Overall, the available alternatives can be listed as follows:
Prosthetic breast tissue reconstruction
In case the healthy tissue that remains after excision of the diseased breast tissue is sufficient, the simplest method is to place a prosthesis underneath the skin and fat tissue in the breast region. While applicable for only a limited number of patients, the most substantial advantage this technique offers is that it is by far the easiest procedure for not only the patient, but also the surgeon. However, securing the thickness required to cover the prosthesis often proves difficult. The prosthesis might therefore cause thinning or perforation in cutaneous and subcutaneous layers as a result of compression in the long term. Unfortunately, such incidents make it necessary to remove the prosthesis.
Breast tissue reconstruction with a latissimus dorsi muscle flap
(Prosthetic or non-prosthetic)
One of the methods employed to respond to thinning and perforation incidents caused by standard prostheses is removing a dorsal muscle segment along with the skin on it and fat tissue, and transferring it to the chest wall. This establishes a thicker and stronger tissue cover for prostheses. For the purpose of this operation, a bulk is collected from latissimus dorsi, the largest muscle group in the dorsal region. Patients do not experience any notable functional loss depending on the operation. Yet the collected muscle mass may not always suffice to form a breast size similar to that of the healthy breast for each patient. Additionally, the dorsal scar resulting from such a surgery may be an issue for some patients.
Breast tissue reconstruction with TRAM/DIEP flaps
Techniques involving removal of muscular and cutaneous/subcutaneous fat tissue from a patient’s anterior abdominal wall are currently among the most advanced practices in surgical reconstruction of breast tissue. The primary advantages of these techniques are that no prosthesis has to be used, and compromised breast tissue can be restored in the most realistic manner possible without incurring any functional loss. Especially patients with a history of pregnancy usually suffer from loose tissue and fat deposition in the lower abdomen. The subsequent relative deformation may bring about cosmetic discomfort among most patients. Utilizing this tissue in breast reconstruction makes it possible for the patient to dispose of the deformity in this region as well.