It would be entirely accurate to define sleep as the foundation of a healthy lifestyle because sleep is among the four essential physiological requirements along with drinking water, eating and breathing oxygen. The Sleep Disorders Unit at the American Hospital has created the opportunity for our patients who suffer from sleep disorders and other resultant problems to adopt healthy sleep patterns by offering innovative contemporary treatment solutions.

The Importance of healthy sleep is far better understood and acknowledged both in our country and around the world than in the past; it is deemed essential for the brain to rest and function properly. Sleep disorders may lead to physical and mental problems or they may even be masked behind symptoms of other diseases; therefore The Sleep Disorders Unitr of American Hospital offers cutting-edge diagnosis methods and treatment opportunities in this field. We review sleep-related physical and psychological data and execute an effective multidisciplinary approach. We evaluate sleep patterns of our patients in our two-bed Sleep Laboratory and we perform sleep EEG in our patient rooms, whenever necessary.

Our Sleep Disorders Unit is open six days a week with two expert physicians and three sleep technicians. Our specialized team follows scientific studies closely to facilitate the rendering of healthcare services at international standards, providing our patients with the means to achieve well-being through restored healthy sleep patterns.

2nd.Kat 2ndFloor
08:00 - 17:00 08:00 - 17:00
Monday - Friday Monday - Friday

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All conditions that are essential for a healthy sleep falls into our field of expertise. We offer patients the opportunity of comprehensive diagnosis and treatment in cooperation with Otorhinolaryngology (ENT), Pulmonary Medicine, Neurology, Psychiatry, Cardiology, and Internal Medicine departments.

Complaints among the reasons for admissions in our department are:

  • Snoring
  • Sleep apnea (sleep disorder in which a person will repeatedly stop breathing when asleep)
  • Insomnia (difficulty falling and/or staying asleep)
  • Parasomnias (sleepwalking, bruxism -teeth grinding-, night terrors)
  • Sleep disorders among shift workers
  • Circadian rhythm disorders (a malfunction in the "internal body clock" or a mismatch between the "internal body clock" and the external environment regarding the timing and duration of sleep)
  • Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (repetitive cramping or jerking of the legs or limb during sleep)