Do you or your relatives/friends have difficulty speaking or comprehending? Do you experience difficulties swallowing food and liquid?

Such problems may adversely affect human relations, behavior, academic success, and work performance. Our expert Language and Speech Pathologists can effectively treat these conditions. With the benefit of early diagnosis, therapeutic management for speech, comprehension and swallowing disorders are achieved with a very high success rate. Moreover, early diagnosis and treatment offer clear improvement in communication and overall quality of life.

Patients presented to the American Hospital with language, speech and swallowing problems first have a preliminary evaluation to fully confirm symptoms; speech or swallowing therapy is tailored in line with the results yielded from the examination. In order to fully meet the expectations of all patients, our personalized treatment process is planned in accordance with each patient’s individual illness manifestations and specific needs.
Ground.Kat GroundFloor
08:00 - 17:00 08:00 - 17:00
Monday - Friday Monday - Friday


Speaking’ technically means the pronunciation of letters and words. People with speech problems;
  • May not be able to pronounce letters correctly.
  • May have hoarseness or a raspy voice.
  • May stutter, pause while talking, and may inexplicably leave unnecessary pauses between words or repeat words unnecessarily.
The language provides words and sentences that we choose to employ in order to express our opinions and voice our requests. A person with a language disorder may suffer from problems in;
  • Speech comprehension
  • Expression
  • Reading
  • Writing
Dysphagia implies the inability to correctly swallow food; instead, food objects can enter into the trachea or lungs resulting in pneumonia or choking secondary to surgery, stroke or injury. If a swallowing disorder is suspected, the patient in question should be urgently referred by their primary physician to a language and speech pathologist and a swallowing test should be performed to determine the severity and cause of the disorder as well as provide valuable information to determine subsequent treatment options.