Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction Program

MBSR program is fundamentally a group that is based on a systematic and intense training to teach mindfulness with meditation, mindful action and daily life practices. It is scientifically proven that it creates positive changes in brain by using neuroplasticity only in 8 weeks. Mindfulness practices are acknowledged in Europe and the U.S. and actively used in many areas.  Program detail

Discover Your Breath

Discovering the breath is the first step to the individual’s own unique and mysterious nature. Starting to know one’s own breath forms the basis of healthy and effective breathing methods. The person is embodiment of his/her own breath.  Program detail

Acceptance and Change

Acceptance- and Change-focused Skills Training is based on Dialectic Behavioral Therapy (DBT) Skills Training that combines evidence-based approaches with acceptance-based teaching in an eclectic fashion. It is an protective mental health approach that aims to help participants gain endurance and improve their well-being through strategy of coping with negativities of life, such as stress, anxiety, uncertainty and mourning. Program detail


Our mindfulness-based body awareness program supports the search for a balance between relaxation and flows, allowing you to establish a deep connection with your body and your baby, as well as preparing your body for the process of giving birth. This program also opens up space for you to share confidently with a group of empathic people that have experienced similar joy and concerns.

Practices that strengthen your back and shoulder muscles facilitate your postnatal breastfeeding as well as the baby carrying process.

These practices help to increase your sleep quality, reduce stress level, facilitate adaptation to the change of the gravity in the center of your body, reduce the effects of ailments such as lower back pain, nausea, shortness of breath, headaches, and carpal tunnel syndrome.


Mindfulness-based pilates classes for body-mind integrity are recommended from the third week of pregnancy.  Prenatal Pilates is one of the most suitable exercises for strengthening the muscles in the pelvic floor while supporting the musculoskeletal system. With the growth of the baby, the diaphragm is pressed upwards and the breathing space is enlarged with pilates exercises. Practices that strengthen your back and shoulder muscles facilitate your postnatal breastfeeding and the baby carrying process.

There are many observed physical benefits when one practices regularly with professional trainers.

HEAL YOURSELF (Mindfulness Program for Cancer Patients)

The classes in our cancer program consist of soft and restorative poses, the flow that reduces stress and anxiety, guided body scans, as well as shared sections of the Code Lotus area.

With our international business partner MD Anderson, one of the best cancer centers in America, and as a satellite center working with the "Only Practical Model" we receive support for the center's holistic approach practices in the field of cancer. We also benefit from the knowledge obtained from MD Anderson Integrative Oncology Center’s conducted research in the fields of stress reduction and mental/emotional health.


Code Lotus yoga classes offer motions to achieve mind-body integrity through breathing techniques. Participants are offered the opportunity to get away from the complexity of daily city life and to regenerate mentally in our spacious studio. The physical motions focus on relaxing and stretching the muscles and the poses help the muscles to work and relieve posture disorders as well as chronic pain. Breathing exercises in yoga contribute significantly to optimal breathing practices in one’s daily life. The goal of yoga classes is not just physical practice, but to increase awareness of mind, breath, and self. Regular yoga practices raise energy levels, strengthen the mind, and improve overall the quality of life.


The Pilates classes offered by Code Lotus aim to ensure body-mind integrity. They allow you to acknowledge your body more efficiently. Pilates increases body awareness and reduces functional posture disorders. As your body awareness improves, your general quality of life increases. Pilates allows you to have a healthier, firmer body and it improves the quality of your breathing, decreasing fatigue in daily life.


Yin yoga classes in Code Lotus aim to increase physical relaxation and awareness with breathing techniques while one remains in certain poses for sustained periods of time. Yin yoga allows for much deeper communication with one’s body and is more meditative than other types of yoga. Muscles work efficiently with poses helping to relieve posture disorders and chronic pain. Breathing exercises in yoga contribute significantly to optimal breathing practices in your daily life. The goal of these yoga classes are not just physical practice, but awareness of mind, breath, and self. Regular yoga practice raises energy levels, strengthens the mind, and improves the general quality of life.


Learning to focus on breathing is one of the most beneficial and relaxing mindfulness exercises. Stress and anxiety experienced in daily life harm our health; increasing awareness with breathing techniques allows these harmful elements to have less of a physiological effect. Breathing and mindfulness exercises increases the concentration span. Mindfulness exercises enable each participant to focus on what she/he is thinking, feeling, sensing, without judgment. Many scientific studies show that mindfulness studies provide a better quality of life and reduce anxiety and stress.


Tools such as large and small pillows, blankets, belts, chairs, walls, and eye pads all serve a practical function in our restorative yoga practices . These items are employed to enhance a carefully considered environment where people can rest and relax while practicing poses. With mindfulness, restorative eating practices and breathing exercises accompany the postures as part of a comprehensive program. The long-term effects of these practices, which are based on body-mind integrity, can be evaluated with the notable increase participants' patience, modesty, and focus.