Endocrine diseases may involve all systems of the body. Patients may present with various complaints that originate from the heart, digestive system, eyes or nervous system. Therefore, a comprehensive and detailed examination of patients is crucial.
Numerous complaints, including but not limited to fatigue and tiredness, involuntary weight gain or weight loss, menstrual disorders, abnormal hair growth, and infertility in women; sexual complaints, cardiac rhythm disorders, and changes in physical characteristics in men can originate from diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal gland, pituitary gland, and gonads.
Hypertension can be secondary to a disease that originates from or involves the endocrine system.
Diabetes mellitus and organ disorders can be caused by diabetes leading to changes in body weight, polydipsia, polyuria and can cause burning sensations and/or numbness in hands and feet as well as vascular diseases of the heart and brain.
The Endocrinology Department should also examine patients with osteoporosis and other metabolic bone diseases.
Sexual development disorders and gender identity disorders are followed up and treated in cooperation with other departments.